
Know how was our 2023

We are delighted to announce that the report magazine of 2023 has been already released. In this publication, we have compiled all the most relevant activities, events and projects done during the last year. Through this report, we want to get people closer to the organisation, be transparent and share what we have done, who has supported us and to whom all our efforts have been made.

As we mention in the report, everything that has been achieved would not have been possible without the support, help, cooperation and collaboration of all the volunteers, particulars, entities and organisations that have contributed to making every goal easier and affordable. We can not feel luckier than we do about counting on them.

We can highlight the implication and commitment of more than 100 volunteers who participated at least once in our activities, experiencing great growth and reaching odds that hadn´t been reached since before the pandemic of Covid-19. Therefore, we want to share our pride and gratitude for those who believe in this project and offer their time to assist others.

We feel that little by little volunteering and solidarity are getting more engaging and our network of volunteers is being strengthened. Thus we will keep promoting it and providing young people with tools and resources to get involved in charity and solidarity actions.

You can access the report here:

SD Version (8,5 MB)

HD Version (2,33 GB)

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